Information Technology Projects (ITP)


The Information Technology Project subcommittee (ITP) is charged with the task of reviewing requests for projects that require the College’s IT resources, but are not primarily concerned with Educational Resources and Student Technology (ER&ST) or with Data Integrity Group (DIG). In collaboration with ER&ST and with DIG, ITP uses a fair and thorough process to consider, evaluate, and recommend projects to the Information Technology Oversight Committee (ITOC).


  • none


  • Membership of ITP can include faculty, classified, administration and students from various divisions. Members will be appointed by their Dean or Director. Additional representation may be requested based on ad hoc needs. Ideally, members should have work duties that put them in direct, frequent contact with Colleague, maintenance of the website, or a primary customer group (e.g., students). The number and allocation of members are listed below:
  • Current identified co-chairs - Stephen Wilks and Chris Sweet
  • Recorder - Kierstin McDowell
  • Representative from ER&ST (Keep informed) - Rick Carino and Dave Gates
  • Representative from DIG (Keep informed) - Lisa Wang & Shawn Swanner
  • AFAC (Key Users: 4) Members are rotated at the discretion of the Dean
  • ITS (Key Users: 3) Members are rotated at the discretion of the Dean
  • Curriculum, Planning, and Research (Key Users: 5) Members are rotated at the discretion of the Dean
  • College Relations and Marketing (Key Users: 0) ? members, rotated at the discretion of the President
  • Human Resources (Key Users: 2) Members are rotated at the discretion of the Dean
  • Business Services (Key Users: 1 plus 1 informed backup) 1 member, rotated at the discretion of the Director
  • Technology and Applied Sciences(Key Users: 1, backed up by Arts and Sciences) 2 members, rotated at the discretion of the Dean
  • Connections with Business and Industry (CBI) (Key Users: 1 plus 1 informed backup) Members rotated at the discretion of the Dean
  • Foundation (Key Users: 1) Members rotated at the discretion of the Dean
  • Students (Key Users: 0) Members, rotated at the discretion of the Dean

Committee Information

The ITP subcommittee reports to ITOC, which reports to the Leadership Cabinet of the College. Both DIG and ER&ST also report to ITOC. ITP only takes project requests that do not fall into the category of DIG or ER&ST project requests. Once a month the ITP committee will meet and review project requests.

Last edited by on 9/6/2017 8:33:50 AM