Shared Governance Oversight Group


The Shared Governance Oversight Group will function as a venue for final review and approval (when needed) of decisions that have been recommended by Councils. This group will serve as a venue for planning how Councils support elements of the College’s strategic plan. The Oversight Group may raise concerns and/or make recommendations for work submitted by Councils for a revise and resubmit process, with feedback provided to help guide any revisions. This group may relay input that has been gathered from the Board, Executive Team, and Association Leadership (e.g., issues related to contracts).

The Shared Governance Oversight Group will serve as a venue for participatory decision-making related to policies, procedures, and the strategic plan work to move the college forward. This group will provide collaborative and transparent leadership, grounded in DEI decision-making and data-informed processes, to evaluate and openly discuss matters in which a decision, recommendation, and/or feedback may be needed. The Council will be responsible for reviewing CCC’s Strategic Plan and Priorities, ensuring progress, and revising or creating new as needed to meet the college’s goals. Annually this group will review council’s submitted working agenda/workplans. The group will provide feedback and guidance regarding what will need to receive final consideration and approval from the Oversight group and what elements the councils are empowered to move forward without approval. The Oversight group may be used as the venue when priorities are shared by more than two councils.


  • none


  • Building membership based on roles rather than individuals, is an essential piece to the success of this Shared Governance Council. Membership of this group will include the College President, chairs or co-chairs of each Council, and Executive Team. Experts will also be invited to participate (people whose professional and/or lived experience have bearing on topics typically considered by the group).

Committee Information

The council meets the second Tuesday of each month, 9 - 10:30 a.m.

Last edited by on 1/21/2025 8:41:05 AM