Instructional Standards & Procedures Committee


Mission: The Instructional Standards and Procedures Committee (ISP) is the faculty-majority group responsible for the framework that supports the development and delivery of instruction at Clackamas Community College. Through shared collegial expertise and research, colleagues and administrators create and maintain the standards (the guiding principles and rules for what we do) and procedures (the processes we use to reach those principles) that apply to instructional matters across the college, including enrollment, coursework, and the completion of a degree or certificate. These standards and procedures provide information and processes for faculty, staff, and students.

The current collection of standards and procedures can be found online at These documents give guidance around key areas of collegiate instruction, named as follows: Instruction and Courses; Evaluation, Examination, and Placement; Earning Credit; Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation; and Conduct, Safety, and Security. ISP works closely with the Access, Retention, and Completion Committee (ARC), and with the College Council as part of shared governance, and with Faculty Senate and President’s Council as needed, to ensure that the standards and procedures of the college reflect the best available instructional expertise and research. ISP also frequently consults with Associated Student Government and Faculty Senate, reflecting the centrality of students and faculty in all instructional matters.

The goal of ISP is to support successful instruction by creating, updating, and communicating useful and accessible material for the CCC community. By maintaining a current and comprehensive set of standards and procedures, ISP gives a shared framework of expectation and offers a source of answers, guidelines, and resources for everyone involved in instruction.

Reports to: College Council

Last College Council Presentation: April 2, 2021


  • There are no set subcommittees for ISP. Subcommittees are formed as needed to review and create standards and procedures.


  • Dean, Arts & Sciences
  • Ex officio member: Vice President of Instruction and Student Services
  • Dean (or Associate), Arts & Sciences
  • Dean (or Associate), Academic Foundations and Connections
  • Dean (or Associate), Technology, Applied Science and Public Services
  • Dean, Institutional Effectiveness and Planning
  • Curriculum Office, Recorder
  • Registrar or Director of Student Academic Support Services
  • Evaluations or Advising
  • Art, Music, Communication Studies, 3 years
  • Social Science or World Languages, 3 years
  • Science & Engineering, 3 years
  • Business & Computer Science, 3 years
  • Horticulture, 3 years
  • At-Large (Faculty), 3 years
  • English, 3 years
  • Skills Development, ESL/PIE, 3 years
  • Math, 3 years
  • At-Large (Faculty), 3 years
  • At-Large (Faculty), 3 years
  • Manufacturing, Automotive, 3 years
  • Health Sciences, 3 years
  • Criminal Justice, Human Services, Education, Fire Science, Apprenticeship, 3 years
  • At-Large (Faculty), 3 years
  • Associate Faculty Representative - must be employed by the college during the term
  • Classified Association Rep, 2 years
  • ASG, 1 year (or rotating)
  • The following member's areas of representation are noted in brackets and the ending year term on the committee.
  • David Plotkin [Ex officio] [Vice President of Instruction and Student Services]
  • Sue Goff [Chair][Dean/Arts & Sciences]
  • Dru Urbassik [Ex-officio] [Curriculum Office]
  • Beth Hodgkinson [Recorder] [Administrative Coordinator/Arts & Sciences]
  • Chris Sweet [Director/Enrollment Management/Registrar]
  • Kara Leonard [Evaluation or Advising]
  • Lars Campbell [Music/Arts & Sciences] [SP 26]
  • Jackie Flowers [Social Science or World Language/Arts & Sciences] [SP 26]
  • Tory Blackwell [Science & Engineering/Arts & Sciences] [SP 26]
  • Jen Miller [Business & Computer Science/Arts & Sciences] [SP 26]
  • Vacant [Horticulture/Arts & Sciences]
  • Vacant [At-Large (Faculty)/Arts & Sciences]
  • Jennifer Anderson [Ex-officio] [Dean/AD/Academic Foundations & Connections]
  • Taylor Donnelly [English/Academic Foundations & Connections] [SP 26]
  • Melinda Nickas [Skills Development/Academic Foundations & Connections] [SP 25]
  • Scot Pruyn [Math/Academic Foundations & Connections] [SP 26]
  • Ryan Davis [At-Large (Faculty)/Academic Foundations & Connections] [SP 26]
  • Jason Kovac [Ex-officio] [Dean/Institutional Effectiveness and Planning]
  • DW Wood [At-Large (Classified)/Institutional Effectiveness and Planning] [SP24]
  • Armetta Burney [Ex-officio] [Dean/AD/Technology, Applied Science & Public Services]
  • Vacant [Manufacturing, Automotive/Technology, Applied Science & Public Services]
  • Vacant [Health Sciences/Technology, Applied Science & Public Services]
  • Ada Echevarria [Criminal Justice, Human Services, Education, Fire Science, or
  • Apprenticeship/Technology, Applied Science & Public Services] [SP 26]
  • Willie Fisher [At-Large (Faculty)/Technology, Applied Science & Public Services] [SP 24]
  • Leslie Ormandy [Associate Faculty Representative] [SP 26]
  • Sarah Steidl [Classified Representative] [SP 26]
  • ASG Student Representative

Committee Information

Three positions with permanent terms: Chair, Recorder, and Dean representative. Other positions rotate every three years. Divisions may choose to retain a current representative longer than one three-year cycle. Dates indicate the last year of three-year representation on the committee. Membership last updated: October 2022 by Committee Recorder. Meeting Schedule: The committee meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month from 8-9:30 a.m. Site Last Updated: 9/21/2023

Last edited by bethh on 9/21/2023 10:49:58 AM